In-Kind Donations
Wellness Place's resources are always free to our NCW cancer clients - thanks to our donors! Make an in-kind donation of items, become a partner, or share your services to support to our cancer community.
2024 Donors
Anne & Randy Brooks
Brian Pino
Casey & Jesson Vogt
Charlotte Ballard
Confluence Health & Wenatchee Valley Medical Group Community Fund
Employees of Lamb Weston
Ernie Hobbs
Harriett & Frank Dechaine
JBe Marketing
Jennifer & Rob Jorgensen
Jennifer & Tony Talbot
Jill & Monty Rowley
Julie & Vern Smith
Karla & Lindsay Gorham
Maria Holsworth in memory of Thomas Lynn Holsworth
Mary Gunkel
Michele Stutzman
Randy & Vicki Niman
RM Wineries
Robert Perleberg
Vicki & Harold Peebles
Wenatchee Lion's Club
Zach Missal
In Honor of Kevin & DeLane Johnson: Bethany Boring, Leeann Naughton, Jennifer Pichardo, Tara Reed, Elizabeth Wilson